Buch Sammelband

Regulating the international movement of women : from protection to control

Herausgegeben von: FitzGerald, Sharron A.
London: Routledge , 2011 , 197 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: FitzGerald, Sharron A.
Ausgabe: 1. issued in paperback 2012
Jahr: 2011
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 041557949X
Sprache: Englisch
"Regulating the International Movement of Women" interrogates western governments' uses of discourses of human vulnerability as a tool to regulate non-western women's migration. In this collection of provocatively argued essays, the contributors wish to reclaim the concept of racialised and gendered vulnerability, from its under theorized, and thus, ambiguous location in feminist's theory, in a variety of methodological and geographical contexts. The book addresses the human geographer, the socio-legal and critical scholar, the sociologist, the cultural, postcolonial and political theorists and practitioners. This text will be of value to academics, postgraduate and research students of any of the above disciplines, as well as practitioners interested in theoretical and empirical discussions of the state, normativity and the regulation of women's cross-border mobility. Contents: Introduction - SHARRON A. FITZGERALD * PART I Vulnerability and citizenship * Constructing vulnerabilities and Managing risk: State responses to forced marriage - ROSEMARY HUNTER * Safe spaces for dykes in danger? Refugee law's production of vulnerable lesbians - SARAH KEENAN * Roma, free movement and gendered exclusion in the enlarged European Union - HELI ASKOLA * PART II Vulnerability and race * Life on the margins: A feminist counter-topography of H-2B workers - DEBORAH P. DIXON * Vulnerability, silence and pathways to resistance: The case of migrant women in Greece - NADINA CHRISTOPOULOU AND GABRIELLA LAZARIDIS * Crossing borders, inhabiting spaces: The (in)credibility of sexual violence in asylum appeals - HELEN BAILLOT, SHARON COWAN AND VANESSA E. MUNRO * PART III Vulnerability and sex trafficking * Perspectives on trafficking and the Policing and Crime Act 2009: Challenging notions of vulnerability through a Butlerian lens - ANNA CARLINE * Vulnerability and sex trafficking in the United Kingdom - SHARRON A. FITZGERALD * Moral and legal obligations of the state to victims of sex trafficking: Vulnerability and beyond - TSACHI KEREN-PAZ
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