Buch Sammelband

African women and feminism : reflecting on the politics of sisterhood

Herausgegeben von: Oyěwùmí, Oyèrónké
Trenton, NJ [u. a.]: Africa World Press , 2003 , 273 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Oyěwùmí, Oyèrónké
Ausgabe: 1. printing
Jahr: 2003
ISBN: 0865436282
Sprache: Englisch
The relationship between African women and feminism is a contentious one. Embedded in this connection is the question of whether sisterhood—a mantra assuming a common oppression of all women and signifying feminist international/cross-cultural relations—describes the symbolic and functional representation of African women. The contributors in this book are aware of the global discourse on women as articulated by Western feminists and interrogate the issues raised by the misinterpretation of African women of both black and white American feminists. The implications of the dominance of Western men and women in the production of knowledge about Africa are also explored. This is one of the first collections written by African women who were born and raised in Africa and are now teaching in the United States. The papers here focus on a variety of issues including the uses and abuses of female circumcision in global feminist discourse, the problem of the criminalization approach to eradicating female circumcision, the effect of the image of the victimized African woman on development policy, and gender imperialism as a metascript of domination and oppression and as encountered by African women in the academy. This volume also raises profound questions about the idea that a common anatomy can form the basis of sororal solidarity among women of different colors, cultures, classes, nations, and religions. Contents: "Sisterhood" (Nkiru Nzegwu) Introduction: Feminism, Sisterhood, and Other Foreign Relations (Oyèrónké Oyewùmì) The White Woman's Burden: African Women in Western Feminist Discourse (Oyèrónké Oyewùmì) Feminism and Africa: Reflections on the Poverty of Theory (Olufemi Taiwo) What Women, Whose Development? A Critical Analysis Of Reformist Evangelism on African Women (Mojùbàolù Olúfunkè Okome) O Africa: Gender Imperialism in Academia (Nkiru Nzegwu) Alice in Motherland: Reading Alice Walker on Africa and Screening the Color "Black" (Oyèrónké Oyewùmì) Possessing the Voice of the Other: African Women and the 'Crisis of Representation' in Alice Walker's "Possessing the Secret of Joy" (Nontassa Nako) The Little Foxes That Spoil the Vine: Revisiting the Feminist Critique of Female Circumcision (L. Omede Obiora) Ectomies: A Treasury of Fiction by Africa's Daughters (Chikwenye Okonjo Ogunyemi) In Search of Chains Without Iron: On Sisterhood, History and the Politics of Location (Abena Busia)
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