Buch Monografie

Sappho was a Right-On Woman

Verfasst von: Abbott, Sidney [weitere]
New York: Day Books - Stein and day , 1978 , 251 S.
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Einrichtung: belladonna | Bremen
Signatur: B-6
Verfasst von: Abbott, Sidney; Love, Barbara
Jahr: 1978
Sprache: Deutsch
A radical change in a little-understood part of society has made this startling book possible. Written by two lesbians, this book speaks clearly, honestly, openly to homosexual and heterosexuel women. It invites all women to resolve their prejudices and confusion and find an appreciation of the differences in all humanity. Heterosexual women will find out how lesbians feel, the unresolved guilt feelings, the struggle to "come out of the closet". Homosexual women will find understanding and guidance in accepting themselves as a whole individuals.
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