Buch Sammelband

Displaced at home : ethnicity and gender among Palestinians in Israel

Herausgegeben von: Kanaaneh, Rhoda Ann
Albany, N.Y.: State Univ. of New York Press , 2010 , 264 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Herausgegeben von: Kanaaneh, Rhoda Ann
Jahr: 2010
Maße: 24 cm
ISBN: 1438432690
Sprache: Englisch
Most media coverage and research on the experience of Palestinians focuses on those living in the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, while the sizable number of Palestinians living within Israel rarely garners significant academic or media attention. Offering a rich and multidimensional portrait of the lived realities of Palestinians within the state of Israel, Displaced at Home gathers a group of Palestinian women scholars who present unflinching critiques of the complexities and challenges inherent in the lives of this understudied but important minority within Israel. The essays here engage topics ranging from internal refugees and historical memory to women’s sexuality and the resistant possibilities of hip-hop culture among young Palestinians. Unique in the collection is sustained attention to gender concerns, which have tended to be subordinated to questions of nationalism, statehood, and citizenship. The first collection of its kind in English, Displaced at Home presents on-the-ground examples of the changing political, social, and economic conditions of Palestinians in Israel, and examines how global, national, and local concerns intersect and shape their daily lives. Foreword - Lila Abu-Lughod, Introduction - Rhoda Ann Kanaaneh and Isis Nusair Part I. State and Ethnicity 1. Political Mobilization of Palestinians in Israel: The al-Ard Movement - Leena Dallasheh 2. A Good Arab in a Bad House? Unrecognized Villagers in the Israeli Military - Rhoda Ann Kanaaneh 3. Louder Than the Blue ID: Palestinian Hip-Hop in Israel - Amal Eqeiq Part II. Memory and Oral History 4. Gendered Politics of Location of Three Generations of Palestinian Women in Israel - Isis Nusair 5. Counter-Memory: Palestinian Women Naming Historical Events - Fatma Kassem 6. Being a Border - Honaida Ghanim Part III. Gendering Bodies and Space 7. The Roles of Palestinian Peasant Women: The Case of al-Birweh Village, 1930–1960 - Lena Meari 8. Politics of Loyalty: Women’s Voting Patterns in Municipal Elections - Taghreed Yahia-Younis 9. The Sexual Politics of Palestinian Women in Israel - Manal Shalabi Part IV. Migrations 10. Palestinian Predicaments: Jewish Immigration and Refugee Repatriation - Areej Sabbagh-Khoury 11. Women’s Masked Migration: Palestinian Women Explain Their Move upon Marriage - Lilian Abou-Tabickh 12. Emigration Patterns among Palestinian Women in Israel - Ibtisam Ibrahim
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