Buch Monografie

Digital Masquerade : Feminist Rights and Queer Media in China

Verfasst von: Tan, Jia
New York, NY: New York University Press , 2023 , 195 S.

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Einrichtung: Frauensolidarität | Wien
Verfasst von: Tan, Jia
Schriftenreihe: Postmillennial Pop
Jahr: 2023
Maße: 23 cm
ISBN: 1479811858
Sprache: Englisch
Charts a new wave of feminist and queer media activism in post-millennial China. Digital Masquerade offers a trenchant and singular analysis of the convergence of digital media, feminist and queer culture, and rights consciousness in China. Jia Tan examines the formation of what she calls “rights feminism,” or the emergence of rights consciousness in Chinese feminist formations, as well as queer activism and rights advocacy. Expanding on feminist and queer theory of masquerade, she develops the notion of “digital masquerade” to theorize the co-constitutive role of digital technology as assemblage and entanglement in the articulation of feminism, queerness, and rights. Drawing from interviews with various feminist and queer media practitioners, participant observation at community events, and detailed analyses of a variety of media forms such as social media, electronic journals, digital filmmaking, film festivals, and dating app videos, Jia Tan captures the feminist, queer, and rights articulations that are simultaneously disruptive of and conditioned by state censorship, technological affordances, and dominant social norms
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